If you don’t have one you might potentially be farming this forever to drop it when you need it. You need this weapon to craft it into an Exotic D50 for trophy “Taste of the Exotic”. If you find one, be sure to keep it! Just put it away in the item box so you have it for later. High-End D50 Pistol: Another thing to watch out for throughout the game is keeping a high-end (yellow rarity) D50 Pistol (Desert Eagle). It will save you a long 26 hour grind later on. Please read through The Division 2 Card Farming Guide for the best spots and more info. After you killed one named enemy all the others will disappear from the game for 30 minutes so you can’t simply farm multiple spots. To put that in perspective: 52 cards x 30 minutes spawn gap per card = 1560 minutes (26 hours). However, since it gives a random card you’ll likely need 40+ cards to get a full set of 13. There are 52 cards divided into 4 sets (13 cards each). You can simply go to the farming spot after every main mission. In the endgame they will always spawn there but at lower levels they might not spawn every time, due to the fact that Black Tusk (enemy faction) can’t spawn until the endgame. However, it’s random for which set the card will be. They always spawn in the same spot and are guaranteed to drop one new card. The reason to start with it early is that only 1 named enemy can spawn every 30 minutes (real time). Cards: One major trophy you should work on early is “Suits You, Sir!” for getting a full set of cards. These cards are dropped by named elite enemies with yellow health bars, only in the open world (not missions or dark zones).